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How to Lubricate a Cylinder Lock

lock cylinder lubrication

Cylinder locks are one of the most common types of locks used in homes and businesses. They are relatively easy to install and use, and they provide a good level of security. However, cylinder locks can become stiff and difficult to operate over time as they get gummed up with dust and tiny bits of debris. Happily they can be easily maintained with a squirt of lubricant..

Regular lubrication of cylinder locks is essential to keep them working smoothly and prevent wear and tear. There are a number of different types of lock lubricant suitable for cylinder locks. Here’s our quick guide.

Graphite Lubricant

Graphite lubricant is a dry lubricant that can be used for cylinder locks. It is made from finely ground graphite powder, which acts as a thin film to reduce friction and wear. Graphite lubricant is non-toxic, non-staining, and does not attract dust and dirt.

To apply graphite lubricant to a cylinder lock, simply insert a small amount of graphite powder into the keyhole. Then, insert and turn the key several times to distribute the lubricant throughout the lock.

Pencil lead is graphite - so this effect can be achieved by rubbing a pencil over the key!

PTFE Lubricant

PTFE lubricant, also known as Teflon, is a synthetic lubricant that is known for its excellent non-stick properties - you’ve probably used a non-stick Teflon frying pan! 

To apply PTFE lubricant to a cylinder lock, simply spray a small amount of lubricant into the keyhole. Once again, use a few turns of the key to distribute the lubricant throughout the lock.

Lock Spray Lubricant

Lock spray lubricant is a commercial product that is specifically designed for lubricating cylinder locks. It typically contains a blend of different lubricants, including graphite, PTFE, and other substances. 

To apply lock spray lubricant to a cylinder lock, simply spray a small amount of lubricant into the keyhole. Then, you guessed it, insert and turn the key several times.

All of these products are effective and occasional application should help to keep your cylinder locks working smoothly and efficiently. Regular lock maintenance is important to ensure the longevity and security of your locks. However, if you still notice problems, you should have your locks repaired or replaced by a qualified locksmith.

Any concerns, just give us a call and one of our locksmiths will come out and take a look at your lock. We can advise you on secure designs that are less at risk from burglary techniques such as lock snapping. Call us on 01603 812613 or email