PT Lock & Safe
PT Lock & Safe Blog

UK Van Thefts Predicted to Double by 2030

15/09/2022 vehicle door being forced

Van thefts are on the increase. The lucrative black market trade in illicit vehicles makes vans a tempting target for thieves. And their techniques are becoming more sophisticated. 

In 2021, there were 12,669 van thefts in the UK. This is already a near tripling from the 4450 that were recorded in 2016. Insurer (who compiled the statistics from research by Logistics UK) predicts that by 2030 the number of UK van thefts will exceed 20,000 per year.

Many vans are broken into by forcing the lock - which on vehicles without extra protection can often be done with tools no more complicated than a pair of pliers. More sophisticated techniques include specialist (but not prohibitively expensive) equipment that enable them to hack the key or ignition system and drive away.

The best method to prevent your van from being stolen is the fitting of a proper additional security secondary locking mechanism. Once fitted, these provide a visual deterrent to thieves who recognise locking systems that are going to make gaining an entry to your works vehicle for nefarious purposes a real pain.

No security measure is 100%, but why would a thief go to the extra effort and risk getting caught? There will likely be dozens of unsecured vans in any local area that could be targeted quickly and without drawing attention to the thief - the secret is to make sure yours isn’t one of them.

And its not expensive - certainly not when compared to losing your van and its contents! At PT Lock & Safe, we fit slamlocks for £149.00 (+VAT) and deadlocks for £189.00 (+VAT).

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Our colleagues at Hendy Car and Van Store have produced a very handy document called A Tradesman's Guide to Keeping Your Van Secure that goes into much more detail than we can in a short blog post.